Committee membership 2023-2024 (chairs in italic):

Curriculum & Standards Committee

Brian Underwood, Chris Reynolds, Sarah Noon, Maria Jane

Catholic Life Committee

Sarah Noon, Fr Raphael Imoni, Immaculate Wilson Mbah, Maria Jane

Finance Committee

Terry Smith, Sarah Noon, Maria Jane

HR Committee

Sarah Noon, Mary Mihovilovic, Brian Underwood, Immaculate Wilson Mbah

Audit & Risk Committee

Terry Smith, Sarah Noon, Brian Underwood

Pay Committee

Chris Reynolds, Terry Smith, Brian Underwood

Directors who served in the last 12 months but are no longer in office:

Fr Raphael Imoni: Term of Office – 01/01/22 – 30/09/24

Member Name From To Business & Pecuniary Interests
Bishop Patrick McKinney 03/07/2015 Director (Chair) NRCDES (Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Service); Director (Chair) NRCDT (Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees; Trustee (Chair) NDCYS (Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service)
Fr Paul Chipchase 01/09/2022
Laura O’Brien 01/03/2020
Simon Gillespie 01/09/2019 Episcopal Vicar for Education, Diocese of Nottingham