In our Trust Vision we state, “Equality for all: social justice and a strong desire for upward social mobility will underpin our work to remove all barriers to learning, progress and success. Every member of our community will be welcomed and valued; no one will be prejudged on their ethnicity, faith (or none), gender, sexuality or age”.

This statement is inspired by the fact that God creates every person as a precious, unique and sacred individual in His own image. In the Book of Jeremiah, we are reminded that God knew us – as unique individuals – before He “formed us in our mother’s womb”. In other words, our unique natures are not just important; they are at the very centre of God’s love for us.

As a result, in our policies, our practices, our interactions, and in all forms of our development and education of our young people, we strive to ensure that we follow Christ’s teaching and example of inclusion and acceptance of all.